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Importance of Planetary Position in Vedic Astrology

By December 2, 2022December 4th, 2023No Comments
Planetary Position in Vedic Astrology

In the field of astrology, the first and foremost criteria that are studied to understand a person’s life are the planets. We all are familiar with the sun sign and moon sign. But you must know that all the other planets depict signs too, and each of these zodiac signs determines what a person’s life will be like. The planet’s zodiac sign determines the characteristics a person will imbibe in the specific aspect of their life governed by that planet. Apart from that, in Vedic astrology, the concept of Houses also closely links with the planets. Astrologers study the planetary positions in Kundli and their effects. The positioning of planets within this in a person’s Kundali is the primary basis for any prediction about a person’s future.

Terms Related to Planetary Position

Planets in horoscopes are constantly interacting and need the context of each other for a holistic explanation of their effects. Combined with that is concerning the zodiac circle and Houses in the horoscope. All these relationships make it easier to understand what effects a particular arrangement can have, as many properties are already listed for each component in the horoscope. In addition, their comparative studies will give the astrologer an idea about what effects of the planets will be magnified and what will be diminished with their relative position.

Essential dignities refer to the first four of the following terms. They describe how planets and houses are interrelated and can influence the extent of the effectiveness of a planet.


All planets awaken in exaltation, where they reach their highest potential and expression. A planet’s strength increases in the sign of its exaltation. Another way to think of a planet’s exaltation is as a sign of the zodiac, which is believed to be exceptionally well-positioned. In other words, exaltation emphasises a planet’s positive traits from an astrological perspective. The domicile lord of the sign in which the exaltation occurs interacts favourably with the exalted planet, making the exaltations fortunate positions for the planets. Exaltation is one of a planet’s four essential dignities according to astrology. Sadly, not all signs have an exalted planet.


Astrological Fall

Vedic astrology classifies a planet as debilitated if it has no resources, rendering it underperforming. The planet cannot work freely in the sign of debilitation since the nature of the sign, and the planets are incompatible. A planet is said to be debilitated when it is on its fall. A sign directly opposed to a planet’s sign of exaltation is known as an astrological fall. Because the domicile lord of the sign in which a planet’s fall occurs interacts poorly with that planet, signs of fall are unfavourable positions for planets. One may experience many challenges and problems if two or more planets are debilitated in their birth chart.

Exaltation and fall are usually considered over the whole sign. But many astrologers leaning towards the purity of calculations take the specific angles with the zodiacs for maximum exaltation and fall effect.


When a planet is placed in the zodiac sign opposite the sign, it rules, or it’s home, it is said to be in detriment or exile. A celestial body is considered to be uneasy in the sign it is in while it is in detriment and to work with the least amount of strength. According to conventional sources, a planet’s detriment is a damaging element. A planet is said to have trouble expressing its true essence while in its unfavourable sign.



The zodiac sign that a planet rules over is known as its domicile in astrology. Each sign has a planetary ruler, which is thought to give the planet more influence while positioned there. When a planet is in the sign it rules, it is said to be in domal dignity. The texts on ancient astrology place it in a different setting. The zodiac signs were formerly thought of in traditional astrology as the residences or dwelling places of the planets. Each planet was connected to a particular sign known as its domicile. The strongest of a planet’s four fundamental dignity is this one.

The following four terms make up the aspects of a horoscope. It is basically how two or more planets interact with each other.


Planetary conjunction happens when two or more planets are in the same house, to put it simply. According to some astrologers, a conjunction can occur with planets at an angle between 0° and 10°. Several variables can determine whether a meeting is favourable or unfavourable, including the nature of the planets involved, their interaction, and the house or sign they are placed in. In addition, factors such as the planet’s strength and its direct or retrograde motion are considered. Although it is rare, there can be up to five or six planets in the same house. The focus of a person’s life is indicated by the conjunction of several planets in the house where most planets are located.

Planetary conjunction


Aspects define how well planets comprehend one another’s energies and how they communicate with one another. Aspects define how well planets learn one another’s powering and how they communicate with one another. Each of the two planets in this scenario will be precisely antithetical to one another on the chart. There is a lot of tension between the planets because of their separation. One can use the inherent antagonism between the planets for good if one can reach an agreement and establish justice. The strengths of each planet may help the other. The residences they are in and the signs they are on are both in opposition.


A 120° angle known as the trine is created when the natal chart is divided into three equal halves. The trine planetary aspect in astrology happens when two planets are synchronised. This is the case since they are both composed of the same element, such as Earth, air, fire, or water. A trine is formed when planets are in the same element’s signs. As a result, planets, in a trine aspect, are working toward the same goals and desired outcomes. In astrology, a unique angle on a natal chart forms a trine. A trine between the planets in astrology signifies harmony and smooth movement. Other negative features that might be present in the birth chart, such as oppositions, are improved by this aspect.


The specific definition of a sextile is when two zodiac signs, which are frequently two signs apart, form a 60° angle. And similarly, feminine signals always create a sextile with other feminine characters. Still, masculine signs always include a sextile with other male signs. There will be a lot of harmony between the planets. While Earth and water provide support, fire and air give each other force. A positive balance between the planets creates fresh development opportunities. The sextile brings comfort and helps people to that part of the chart.

Retrograde deals with the unconventional way of movement of planets and their effects.


Planetary retrograde is when a planet looks like it is travelling backwards in the sky from Earth. Because of the speed at which the Earth rotates, it is an optical illusion. Based merely on their rate and separation from the planet, they only seem to be moving backwards. In addition to what the planet rules being out of balance during a retrograde, whatever zodiac sign the planet is in at the time will also experience widespread confusion. People often notice that people, projects, and events come back to them as the planet moves away from them in the sky. A planetary retrograde might be urging you to take another look at that circumstance. 

Also Read: Which Zodiac Signs Makes The Worst Decision

Important Planetary Position for Each Planet

When a planet travels around the zodiac circle, it emits a particular energy. Some planets move more quickly and have a more immediate and direct impact on us, affecting our everyday activities, inclinations, and emotions. Each planet rules a sign of the zodiac, except for Rahu and Ketu, which are only two points in the sky that serve as references rather than actual planets. The outer planets move slowly in the sky; some even take 2.5 years to shift a sign—the locations where the Sun and Moon cross courses mark the position of Rahu and Ketu. The planets’ features and the zodiac signs’ traits are relatively compatible. Each planet’s position relative to other planets, zodiac signs and houses of Kundali give an overall idea that this planet will influence a person’s life. The essential aspects of each planet’s position are:


Sun symbolises the fire element. The energy source keeps the solar system and all life on Earth alive. The Sun moves from one sign to the next in a month. It covers each of the 12 zodiac signs in one year. Aries is its exaltation sign, and exaltation is at a 10° level. As a result, Libra is the debilitating sign, and 10° is the debilitating degree. Leo is the home of the Sun. While the Sun is in Aquarius, it is not favourable. The presence of the Sun in association with Jupiter, Moon and Mars yields positive results. Whereas the Sun’s interaction with Venus and Saturn has a negative effect. At the same time, Sun and Mercury are neutral in each other’s presence.


The Moon planet has the most significant influence on human life because it is the closest celestial body to Earth. It reflects one’s deepest feelings, instincts, mood swings, conduct, and attitudes toward things and other people. It orbits the planet in around 28 days and is a natural satellite of the planet. In other words, the Moon spends about 2.5 days in each zodiac sign. In Taurus, the Moon exalts up to 3°. It is debilitating to have the planet Moon up to 3° in the Scorpio sign. Moon’s home sign is Cancer, and Capricorn is where it suffers the most. The Moon has a positive interaction with the Sun, Mars and Jupiter. On the other hand, it has no notable changes in effects in the vicinity of Mercury, Venus and Saturn. It has no adverse interaction with any planet. 


Mercury is the universe’s foremost messenger. He is the planet for all speech, communication, and trade levels. Mercury also stands for intelligence, research, business, and exchange. In 14 days, it moves between signs. Mercury undergoes retrogression every four months, lasting approximately 20 to 24 days. Aside from representing earth components, Mercury also represents ether due to its delicate nature. Gemini and Virgo are both dual sign types, which explains this. Additionally, Virgo is Mercury’s exalted sign. There are 15° of exaltation. Pisces, a twin sign with the water element, is where Mercury is debilitated. Sagittarius and Pisces are unfavourable signs for Mercury. Its friendly planets are Sun and Venus, whereas the Moon opposes its effect. Mercury is neutral against Saturn and Mars.


According to Vedic astrology, Venus embodies love; it represents sentimental attachment, matrimony, union, partnership, art, culture, creativity, joy, passion, and everything lovely. It controls how you interact with others and indulge. This magnificent planet also has charm, composure, grace, civility, and culture. The planet is also the warmest. Additionally, it appears to retrograde every 19 months for 40 to 43 days. In Vedic astrology, Venus travels one complete cycle around the zodiac belt in about 12 months and spends about 28 days in each sign. Venus gains strength and is exalted in Pisces. Exaltation is at a 27° level. Venus becomes weakened in Virgo, a dual sign ruled by the earth element. Its sign of residence is Libra and Taurus. Also, the planet Venus is in opposition to both Aries and Scorpio. The best expression of Venus’s positive characteristics is its interaction with Mercury and Saturn. At the same time, it is neutral around Jupiter and Mars. Therefore, when observed with the Sun and Moon, one can expect a weak Venus.


Mars is a violent, red-hot planet with uncontrollable energy. The energy expresses in the form of physical actions and techniques. Vedic astrology associates Mars with strength. It gives one the desire to succeed and rise to the top, whether at work or on the playing field. Depending on how it is employed and where Mars is located in a horoscope, its energy can be positive and negative. Mars spends roughly 45 days in each sign and over two years travelling around the entire zodiac belt. Retrograde Mars appears to be moving away from Earth. It retrogresses after roughly every 26 months for a period of 60 to 80 days. Mars can ascend to 28 ° in the Capricorn zodiac sign. The planet Mars weakens the Cancer zodiac sign by up to 28°. While its domicile is in Scorpio, Aries, and its affliction is in Libra, Taurus.

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Since Jupiter is regarded as the most peaceful planet in Vedic astrology, it is unavoidably linked to luck, money, and wealth. Jupiter is the planet of superior intellect, fortune, and spiritual insight. It is the protector of the thinking individual. This planet also symbolises one’s life philosophy. While this suitable planet grants prosperity and intelligence, it can succumb to laziness, sloth, and gluttony at its worst. Jupiter makes one full round around the zodiac in about 12 years. And it spends roughly 13 months in each zodiac sign. Every year, Jupiter goes into retrograde motion for around 110 days. Jupiter exalted in the Cancer zodiac sign up to 5°. Jupiter weakens in the Capricorn zodiac sign by up to 5°. Its home sign is Sagittarius in Pisces, and its enemy sign is Gemini in Virgo. It has a positive relationship with Sun, Moon and Mars and a negative one with Venus and Mercury. It shares a neutral relation with Saturn.


Saturn offers restrictions, obstacles, and barriers to one’s manifestation and self-expression. It is an excellent negator, just as Jupiter is the great affirmer. Evolution depends just as much on destruction as it does on creation. Saturn is the Sun’s exact opposite in this regard. It travels through the zodiac in around 30 years and spends about 2.5 years in each sign. Additionally, it makes an annual appearance in retrograde for about 135 days. Up to 20° of Saturn’s exaltation is in the sign of Libra. Saturn is weak in the Aries for up to 20° position. Saturn’s natal signs are Capricorn and Aquarius. Saturn, however, is in opposition to Leo and Cancer. Saturn’s ally planets are Mercury and Venus, and its opposing planets are Sun, Moon and Mars. It has a neutral relation with Jupiter.


Rahu lacks the physical structure and mass of a planet. It is a location in the sky where the Sun’s apparent route crosses the Moon’s track in the celestial sphere when moving from North to South. Despite not being there physically, it has a significant impact. Rahu represents indulgence and mischief. The Moon’s North Node is another name for Rahu. It spends roughly one and a half years in each sign during its 18-year journey around the zodiac. Its presence in Taurus results in its exaltation, whereas it is weak in the Scorpio sign. Exaltation and debilitation occur up to 20° level.


It is a Chhaya Graha, a dark planet, in Vedic astrology. Ketu has a dual meaning that pertains to spirituality, emancipation, and mastery over the occult and the mysteries of life on the one hand. And it is also about Karma and the outcomes of the deeds one has done in the past life. It is the planet of disconnection and removal. The South Node of the Moon is another name for Ketu in Vedic astrology. Since it is Rahu’s companion planet, its transit time is 18.5 years. Additionally, Ketu is weak in Taurus and exalted in Scorpio. 20° is the right level of exaltation.


The planets and their transit will determine the possible pathways of your life. The different permutations and combinations of planets variably affect various aspects of your life. Like, the planet present in your career house in the horoscope and its interaction with the house lord will be your job or career planets. Hence, making a Kundali involves planetary position astrology as the primary type of assessment. This will tell you more about your most powerful planet in terms of positive effects and what area of life it influences. The best planet is often in its domicile or exalted house and is in its maximum power. Also, it remains unaffected by the favourable positions of other planets. 

A detailed study of your Kundali will reveal how the different planetary positions in your birth chart affect your daily life and your future. Now, if you need clarification about where you can find trusted astrologers with minimum hard work, here is your answer. At InstaAstro, only the best are there for your consultation. So, take your time with them, and understand what the planets have planned for you!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

1. How do planetary positions affect us?

Planetary positions are primarily responsible for how different options and events play out in other aspects of our life. It also controls our personality, where a beneficial planet will result in the expression of more positive traits and vice versa.

2. How do we know which planet is strong in Kundali?

It depends on different factors, like its presence in a zodiac sign and its interaction with other planets in the horoscope, specifically with the sign’s ruling planet. It also depends on the planet’s position in a particular house and the nature of its interaction with the house’s ruling planet. So, solid planets in Kundali are the planets that are in a good position for all of the given factors.

3. Which planet is for success?

In general, Jupiter can accurately indicate how much of a successful and satisfying life a person will have.

4. How can I know about my planetary positions by date of birth?

You can find that out using a planetary position calculator. InstaAstro has designed an online tool that will tell you the position of planets at your time of birth, to the exact degree of their place in the zodiac cycle.

5. How can I know today's planetary position?

Everyday Panchang is an excellent way to learn about significant planets’ positions. You can also use InstaAtsro’s planetary calculator for more accurate and detailed results.

6. What is the difference between trine and sextile?

Based on its effects, the main difference between the two is that a sextile has a more subtle impact on a person than a trine formation. Also, the angle subtended between the observed zodiac signs differs in trine and sextile.

Also Read: All You Need To Know About Saturn In Seventh House.

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