Year of the Goat

Known for their gentle personality, the individuals of the Goat Chinese zodiac are introverts, shy, and reserved. These people are mindful of their words but avoid speaking too much. In addition, they also hate being the centre of attention and prefer keeping themselves on the sidelines. The Year of the Goat or the Year of the Sheep are 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027. Individuals born in these years come under the Goat zodiac sign.

For example, if you're born in 1967 or 2003 and are wondering about the 2003 Chinese zodiac or the Chinese New Year 1967 Animal sign, it's Goat or Sheep. If you also wonder, “Is Goat lucky this year?” then head to the InstaAstro website and read the Chinese Horoscope!

When we talk about the Goat in Chinese Astrology, each Year of the Goat is ruled by an element, and thus there are five types of Goat Chinese zodiac. The following is the list of the different kinds of Goat in Chinese Astrology:

February 17, 1931, to February 5, 1932Gold Goat
February 5, 1943, to January 24, 1944Water Goat
January 24, 1955, to February 11, 1956Wood Goat
February 9, 1967, to January 30, 1968Fire Goat
January 28, 1979, to February 15, 1980Earth Goat
February 15, 1991, to February 3, 1992Gold Goat
February 1, 2003, to January 21, 2004Water Goat
February 19, 2015, to February 7, 2016Wood Goat
February 6, 2027, to January 25, 2028Fire Goat

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Characteristics of the Goat Chinese zodiac sign

Individuals born in the Year of the Sheep or Year of the Goat are symbols of peace, kindness, gentleness, justice, and honesty. These people speak their minds in every situation and are the first to stand by you if needed. Every Chinese zodiac sign has some inherent qualities passed on to the individual upon birth. Read more: Goat characteristics:

  • Kind: Goats are known for their gentle and kind nature. They have a compassionate and nurturing personality, often showing empathy towards others. Goats are caring and considerate individuals who value harmony and peaceful interactions.
  • Artistic: Goats have a natural creative flair and artistic inclination. They possess an appreciation for beauty and often excel in artistic efforts such as music, painting, writing, or design. Goats have a unique perspective and can express themselves in imaginative and original ways.
  • Intuitive: Goats are sensitive and intuitive individuals. They have a keen ability to pick up on the emotions and energy of others. Goats are often wise and can sense underlying motivations and feelings. They rely on their intuition to guide them in decision-making.
  • Introverted: Goats tend to be introverted and reserved. They enjoy spending time in solitude, reflecting on their thoughts and emotions. Goats value their personal space and may require time to recharge and find balance.
  • Shy: Goats can be timid and shy when faced with new situations or unfamiliar environments. They may take time to warm up to new people or situations. Goats prefer to observe and assess before fully engaging, ensuring safety and comfort.
  • Loyal: Goats place a strong emphasis on family and relationships. They are devoted to their loved ones and prioritise their well-being. Goats are loyal friends and partners who value trust and support. They seek stability and long-term commitments in their connections.
  • Romantic: Goats have a romantic and idealistic nature. They believe in love and often seek deep emotional connections. Goats appreciate gestures of affection and enjoy creating a harmonious and romantic atmosphere in their relationships.

While Goats are friendly, loving, responsible, and kind, they can also be stubborn and way too sacrificial than what's required. These Goat characteristics are some of their negative traits.

Life Aspects of Goat Zodiac

Every individual is ruled by their lucky and unlucky factors, which play a significant role in their lives. These aspects can help people stay away from unfavourable things and include lucky things. Here are the lucky and unlucky elements for natives born in the Year of the Goat:

Lucky Factors for the Goat:

  • Lucky Numbers: 2, 7, 9
  • Lucky Colours: Green, Red, Purple
  • Lucky Directions: East, South, Southeast
  • Lucky Months: Chinese lunar months 2, 7, 9, 11
  • Lucky Flowers: Carnation, Primrose
  • Lucky Gemstones: Amethyst, Pearl

Unlucky Factors for the Goat:

  • Unlucky Numbers: 3, 6, 8
  • Unlucky Colours: Blue, Black, Brown
  • Unlucky Directions: Northwest, Southwest, West
  • Unlucky Months: Chinese lunar months 3, 6, 7, 10
  • Unlucky Objects: Knives, Swords, Pointed Objects
  • Unlucky Zodiac Signs: Ox, Rat, Dog

Read further to know the influence of the choices and decisions made by people of the Year of the Sheep. These factors also play a major role in the Goat characteristics.


Relationships: Goats are deeply committed and nurturing in their relationships. They prioritise emotional connection and seek partners who appreciate their compassionate and gentle nature. Goats are loyal and dedicated partners who value stability and harmony in their romantic relationships.

Career: Goats are often drawn to creative and artistic fields where they can express their unique talents. They excel in jobs that involve aesthetics, such as design, fashion, music, or writing. Goats value work-life balance and may seek careers that allow them to pursue their passions and maintain a harmonious lifestyle.

Finances: Goats may have a moderate approach to finances. They appreciate stability and security but may also enjoy indulging in life's pleasures. Goats may find financial success by utilising their creative talents or pursuing careers that align with their passions. It's essential for them to maintain a balanced approach to financial matters.

Health: Goats value their well-being and strive for balance in their lives. They may be sensitive to stress and need to prioritise self-care and relaxation. Goats may benefit from activities that promote mental and emotional well-being, such as practising mindfulness, engaging in hobbies, or spending time in nature.

Frequently Asked Questions

In China and Chinese Astrology, Goats are the symbols of peace, popularity, helpfulness, kindness, and love. These animals are auspicious, and it is said that natives born in the Year of the Goat are lucky.
Some negative traits of the Goat Chinese zodiac are that these individuals often fail to understand their limits, can be stubborn in their pursuit to achieve greatness, and can be self-sacrificial.
The Goat is compatible with Rabbit, Horse, and Pig. These signs are a good pair with each other and share almost the same characteristics. In addition, these signs are pretty in tune with each other.
The Goat in Chinese Astrology possesses Yin energy and is the representative of kindness, purity, spirituality, and kindness. The natives of the Goat zodiac sign are friendly and loyal.
Individuals born in 1931 and 1991 come under the Golden Goat and are ambitious, kind, responsible, helpful, dutiful, headstrong, loyal, and even stubborn to some degree. These people know what they want and how they want it.
The Chinese New Year 1967 animal sign Goat is least compatible with the Ox, Tiger, and Dog. These signs are like oil and fire and are complete opposites. Moreover, the Ox is the worst enemy of the Goat in Chinese zodiac.
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