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How to Find out if Business Partner is Cheating

By June 21, 2022November 23rd, 2023No Comments
Business Partner Cheating

How to Find out if Business Partner is Cheating

Aside from your spouse, your business partner is frequently the closest person in your life when you operate a small business. The same concept applies to your business partner: if you believe he is cheating you (rather than cheating ON you), he is most likely cheating you. The commercial connection is, at the very least, in considerable jeopardy. Let us see the proven Astrological ways to know whether your business partner is cheating you or not. 

The miracles an astrologer can do for you.

A wise astrologer first looks at the native’s commercial potential through their birth chart. The astrologer then looks for planetary combinations in the birth chart’s ascendant, third, seventh, tenth, and eleventh houses. Mercury is also necessary for the formation of a partnership. In the birth charts of both partners planning to start a partnership firm, a good astrologer analyses the role of malefic and benefic planets. Astrologers evaluate the following yogas when determining the future of a commercial alliance based on a native’s Kundli. These are some of them:

  • Possibility of owning a business – the lords of the 3rd, 10th, and 11th houses
  • Partnership business is more likely if the 7th house or its lord is related to the business house or its lord.
  • Association of the ascendant, 2nd, 3rd, and 11th houses with the ascendant, 2nd, 3rd, and 11th houses increases the likelihood of success in partnership business.
  • In a birth chart, the 7th and 12th houses are with the possibility of business loss.
  • Any relationship between the 7th and 6th houses increases the chances of a conflict or investigation in a joint firm.
  • Mercury is afflicted by Rahu, Mars, or Saturn, which increases the chances of complications in partnership business.
  • Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are free of the negative influences of Saturn, Mars, Sun, and Rahu-Ketu, indicating a higher chance of success in partnership business.

What does Business Astrology say?

According to Business Astrology Calculator, a mutual placement of the ascendant lord and the 7th house lord in birth charts is required for a successful business venture between the partners. Furthermore, its order should not be at 6/8 or 2/12 on both partners’ birth charts about each other. In addition, the ascendant lord and the 7th house lord should not be put together on 2/12 or 6/8.

The most crucial factor in determining the future of a joint venture is the timing of the business partner’s decision. Likewise, the most critical factor in determining the end of a joint venture is the timing of the business partner’s decision. Contact astrologers online to learn about the most acceptable periods for partnership. The best time is when the planets are simultaneously in the 2nd, 7th, 10th, and 11th houses.


Last, the compatibility of the partners’ Moon signs is critical to their success in the partnership company. If the Moon signs of partners fall under the hostile sign, there is a chance of a fight. In a partnership firm, any association between ascendant and 7th house lords gives power to friendly relations.

Also Read: The Solution To “When Will I Get Job?”

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