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Three of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Three of Wands in a tarot card reading is about looking forward to new and exciting events in life. It indicates that the individual has worked hard in the past, and now is the time to enjoy the fruits of his labour. So, 3 of Wands tarot card meaning is to be positive and keep an eye out for good things coming our way.

Main Features of Three of Wands

Before we explore the Three of Wands meaning further, let's examine its main features. From its associated elements, planets, and zodiac signs, there is much to discover about this card.

  • Parts of Three of Wands Card: Upright and Reversed
  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Mars
  • Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
  • Yes or No Card: Yes
  • Crystal: Yellow Tiger’s Eye, Yellow Jade

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Three of Wands Card Symbol Meaning

Looking at the pictorial representation of the Three of Wands tarot card, we see a man standing on the shore, looking at the sea. He is holding onto three wands, which look like sticks. The sea behind him seems calm.

In the distance, we see three ships sailing, but they are very far away from him. The person seems hopeful, waiting for something good to happen. Below is the detailed meaning and representation of each symbol in the appearance of the Three of Wands tarot card:

  • Man: The man is looking at the sea, hiding his face. This could mean that he seems ready to face unknown obstacles or difficulties. He is someone who is confident and prepared for the journey ahead.
  • Sea: The calm sea shown in the picture is a perfect representation of our inner emotions, subconscious minds, and intuitions.
  • Three Wands: The three wands planted in the ground represent freedom, adventure, and creative energy. These wands can be considered as a source or tool to make our dreams come true.
  • Cloak: The cloak the man seems to wear represents protection and wisdom. It seems that the man is himself experienced and knowledgeable and knows how to win his own battles.
  • Golden Sky: The golden sky in the picture symbolises positivity and hope. It is a sign that the person is cheerful about the exciting opportunities coming, especially for him.

Three of Wands Tarot Card- Upright

The appearance of the Three of Wands indicates feelings of excitement and confidence. It is no less than a sign that your future plans or goals will soon take off. Soon, there will be a time when you will feel hopeful about your near future. Not only this, but you might be exploring new opportunities or thinking about expanding your horizons.

It is really a positive card, telling you to keep up the good work and trust that things will keep getting better. So, the 3 of Wands upright card asks you to keep a check on coming possibilities and move forward with confidence.

Three of Wands AspectsThree of Wands Keywords (Upright)
CareerExpansion in career prospects
LovePassion and growth in romance
HealthHealing and recovery
FinanceFinancial comfort and stability
SpiritualityPositive spiritual progress

Three of Wands Upright Meaning in Love

Whenever the Three of Wands love card appears in a tarot reading, it only brings success, romance, growth, and passion for relationships. So, the appearance of this card is an indicator that soon, love will approach you and take you to a more happy and blissful place. Either you or your partner will think of taking your relationship to the next level, according to the 3 Wands as intentions card.

Though the card does not hint towards a new relationship for singles, it assures a period of peace and joy within singlehood. You have decided to enjoy your freedom and love being single. But on the other hand, there is still a tiny chance of you welcoming a new romance into your life or starting a long-distance relationship.

Three of Wands Upright Meaning in Career

On the work front, whenever the 3 of Wands career card appears in your tarot reading, just think that soon, new opportunities and success will knock at your door. Now is a perfect time to expand your horizons and think of something bigger than usual. Whether you are a working-class professional or own a business, the appearance of the Three of Wands career card brings an opportunity for you to travel abroad.

Working-class professionals may soon get a job opportunity based on foreign. Those who own their business might think about going global, i.e. expanding their business in international markets as well. So, instead of letting go of the opportunity just because you are scared, it is better to be bold and confident and work hard for the future you live for.

Three of Wands Upright Meaning in Health

Getting a Three of Wands upright in a health tarot reading is a positive sign for those suffering from health issues. It means that soon you will heal or recover from whatever health issue or injury you are dealing with. Credit should be given to the energies the Three of Wands tarot cards bring, which are healing and recovery.

Moreover, if you are thinking about having surgery or getting treatment, the timing could not be better. Interestingly, sometimes, this card also hints at foreign travel due to health issues. It says that you will seek help from a foreign medical professional to recover from your current health issues.

Three of Wands Upright Meaning in Finance

The appearance of the 3 of Wands upright in a financial reading means putting aside all your financial worries and fulfilling all your materialistic wishes from your bucket list. Considered the most favourable card for finances, the Three of Wands tarot card suggests that the day you have been dreaming of—a day when you will lead a comfortable life—is about to arrive soon.

The days of your hard work and efforts have long gone; now is just the time to witness what financial comfort and stability look like. Not only this but the Three of Wands future card advices you to spend your hard-earned money on things you love, such as a small vacation or wise investments.

Three of Wands Upright Meaning in Spirituality

When it comes to spiritual readings, the appearance of the 3 of Wands upright card deals with satisfaction. It says that whatever spiritual goals or plans you have in your mind will be fulfilled soon, giving you a sense of relief and satisfaction. With a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction comes an adventurous spirit encouraging you to explore the different aspects of your life.

Getting the Three of Wands as feelings card in a spiritual reading is no less than a green sign from the divine that you are making spiritual progress. Another 3 of Wands tarot card meaning is that you are inclined towards seeking guidance from a new spiritual teacher or mentor for a better journey of self-discovery.

Three of Wands Tarot Card- Reversed

When the Three of Wands tarot card appears upside down, it indicates the feelings of getting stuck or being hesitant about moving forward. It is as if you are not sure about your future plans or goals, and you might be feeling a bit impatient or frustrated.

So, instead of looking ahead with excitement, you choose to feel worried about what’s coming next for you. Getting the Three of Wands reversed tarot card is a sign to step back and analyse things once again. All you have to do is take your time and trust that everything will work out for you in the end.

Three of Wands AspectsThree of Wands Keywords (Reversed)
CareerStuck career, missed opportunities
LoveLack of effort and communication
HealthHealth issues due to foreign travel
FinanceFinancial planning gone wrong or delayed
SpiritualitySpiritual blockage and negative thoughts

Three of Wands Reversed Meaning in Love

The appearance of the 3 of Wands reversed love indicates that your relationship is going through several problems at the moment. However, the one that needs your immediate attention is the lack of communication. The 3 of Wands in love relationship card reveals that the blame should be put on you. Your lack of effort and not communicating your real feelings well enough has led to this situation where you and your partner do not trust each other.

Things have gotten so bad that you both don’t see a future together, and everything seems pointless. Getting the 3 of Wands relationship card indicates that you should be the one making an effort to save your relationship from breaking. Instead of hiding your feelings, start communicating honestly with your partner.

Three of Wands Reversed Meaning in Career

Energies such as stuckness, annoyance, frustration, or disappointment come into the major spotlight with the appearance of the Reversed Three of Wands career card. Maybe you feel stuck in your career, having no options or ways to make progress or growth. If this is not the case, then you are frustrated because you chose the wrong career path or made the wrong deals in the past.

No matter what decisions you make to grow your career steadfastly, you always end up reaching a dead end. The only solution to come out of this dark phase and make every plan of yours work magically is to keep working towards your goals. Maybe the timing now is not right for you, and the 3 of Wands career card asks you never to stop working hard towards your goals.

Three of Wands Reversed Meaning in Health

Getting the 3 of Wands reversed card in a health reading indicates health issues mainly due to travel. Your recent foreign or overseas travel is the main reason behind your current health issues. The 3 of Wands tarot cards sense that maybe your body could not adapt to the foreign environment, or you were stressed about something that led to your health issues.

If this is the case with you, then the 3 of Wands reversed tarot card asks you to take necessary steps to improve your health and eliminate current health concerns. Taking the right actions regarding your health right now could lead you to a happier and healthier version of yourself soon.

Three of Wands Reversed Meaning in Finance

The Three of Wands tarot card appearing in a financial reading is a sign of danger. It reveals that your current financial situation is not as great as you expected it would be. The foremost reason behind the current chaos is your financial plans or strategies that went miserably wrong.

Now, with uncertainty and financial losses, you feel clueless about managing your finances. This is why the Three of Wands reversed tarot card reminds you to keep a check on your funds and look for ways to overcome this financial rut. If your financial planning has been unsuccessful, the card suggests you get in touch with financial experts as soon as possible.

Three of Wands Reversed Meaning in Spirituality

If there is one thing that the reversed Three of Wands tarot card revolves around in spirituality, it is annoyance and blockage. The tarot card senses that a long time ago, you set some spiritual goals and objectives and were determined to achieve them within the set timeframe. But as time passed, your mind became occupied with negativity, doubts, and confusion.

As a result, the spiritual goals you set are left behind somewhere. Currently, your mind seems to be completely in control of negative thoughts, which are blocking your spiritual progress. Your inability to let go of your dark past and negative thoughts is the primary reason behind the blockage in your spiritual journey.

Three of Wands Yes or No Meaning

In a yes or no tarot reading, the appearance of the Three of Wands card is considered positive and focuses on the energies of growth, future, and confidence. However, its meaning and interpretation can change completely in an upright and reversed position. So, let us look at the hidden meanings of the 3 of Wands yes or no card and see how easily it solves your query.

  • Upright: Yes: In an upright 3 of Wands yes or no shows a green signal and asks to proceed regardless of your situation. Not only this, but the 3 of Wands in a yes or no tarot reading also serves as a reminder to keep working hard towards your ultimate goal. With the universe’s blessings and hard work, we can turn our dreams into reality, no matter how impossible they may initially seem.
  • Reversed: No: Pulling the 3 of Wands reversed yes or no means an absolute ‘no’. This is because this card represents a sense of wrong timing. Even if you choose to move forward despite this warning, you will likely face many obstacles and challenges along the way. Instead of rushing things, taking one very small step at a time is better.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Three of Wands meaning in a tarot reading is all about planning for the future and making strategies to achieve the desired goals. The appearance of the Three of Wands tarot card hints that you are on the right track and that your journey towards success will be obstacle-free.
The 3 of Wands love outcome in an upright position is extremely positive and revolves around a happy ending. On the other hand, the love outcome in a reversed position reveals a foggy future with several doubts and confusion.
In an upright position, the 3 of Wands as a person is someone who believes in planning for the future and is farsighted in nature. However, the same 3 of Wands as a person in a reversed position is someone who is unable to reach his goals and ambitions due to obstacles and difficulties in his journey.
In a tarot reading, the Three of Wands card is associated with the most energetic and active Fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. These 3 of Wands zodiac sign are not afraid of taking risks and are passionate about their dreams and goals.
In a yes or no tarot reading, the 3 of Wands is a yes card, and its appearance is considered extremely positive. It means that whatever decision you take right now will surely lead you to growth, progress and expansion.
In an upright position, the 3 of Wands love advice is for people seeking love. They are asked to open the doors of their hearts only to experience the love they are looking for. However, in a reversed position, the same tarot card, 3 of Wands Love advice them not to take any unnecessary risks in love.
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